Friday, April 1, 2011

Modern Romance

An in-depth look at the changes of romance and love in literature. The author describes the literary romance of the past and compares it to the present, displaying the changes that have taken place over the years
"A man, a woman, a compelling glance across a crowded ballroom, an attempt to quell the burgeoning passion felt by both, her developing relationship with his children, dashed hopes re-ignited, some sort of tragedy or treachery, and possibly even a lunatic first wife either mysteriously killed or locked up in an attic - - these liberally spiced with a detailed description of her wardrobe (or lack of one) and the hair styling which transforms her from shabby little governess to beautiful woman - - have traditionally been the stuff of romance novels. But, times have changed and love has been swept along on the inexorable tide. Gone are the ball gowns (along with the balls) the first wife isn't conveniently dead (but annoyingly present and demanding child support), and passions are generally openly indulged rather than denied. The course of true love has taken a few detours over the past 30 years or so."



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